Saturday, June 12, 2010

Renew Houston: The Devil is in the Details

I agree with the overall goal of Renew Houston. However, the devil is always in the details. Will this dedicated fund for street construction and maintenance derived from developers impact fees relieve METRO of having to transfer .25 cent of $1 of sales (consumption)tax revenue for general mobility? If not, why not? The city gets 67% of METRO’s .25 cent. Are we being asked to pay twice for the same service? Will we once again go back to using 85% of METRO's resources for 15% of its suburban customers? METRO has 10,000 bus stops but only 2,200 bus shelters. Must METRO inner city riders be left in the rain at bus stops forever?

Why do we keep building in or near flood plains anyway? Why do we insist on suburban style development in an urban core? Yes, private property is sacred in Texas, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us should have to pay for some exercising their freedom. Are there going to be any changes to existing regulations to increase density or insist that those types of development that contribute to flooding pay their fair share?

Lastly, will the promised construction jobs and contracts developed from this proposal be a true economic opportunity for all or will the usual suspects be found feeding from the public trough again?

I need answers before I endorse this proposal.